What is a perineoplasty?
The perineum is the portion of tissue that runs from the vagina to the anus. This area is normally V-shaped when it is young, and has an elastic, taut appearance. With age and vaginal childbirth, the perineum muscles lose tone and elasticity, and the perineum loses its V shape to become U-shaped, making it weaker. This causes functional problems and discomfort, especially during sexual intercourse. The situation might be worsened if an episiotomy is performed during childbirth.
Certain exercises might improve the muscle tone of the perineum, but the required results are not obtained when these muscles are distended. If this is the case and correction is required, surgery is necessary.
The perineoplasty is a technique that corrects the laxity of the perineum that pelvic floor exercises were unable to improve, giving it back its tautness and tone and recovering its original function.
Who can have a perineoplasty?
Women suffering from perineal laxity to such a degree that the vagina is overly exposed might have problems of sensitivity, incontinence, infections and discomfort during sexual intercourse. Should this situation persist after pelvic floor exercises, the patient is a good candidate for perineal reconstruction surgery.
In most cases, the perineoplasty is associated with a tightening of the entrance to the vagina.
What does perineoplasty surgery involve?
An incision is made in the rear wall of the vagina to access the perineal muscles, which are tightened using muscle sutures. This restores the integrity of the perineum and repairs the structures so that the patient can enjoy a normal life and satisfactory sexual intercourse.
Duration, anaesthesia and hospitalisation in perineoplasty
This is a short surgery that takes around one hour and is normally performed under local anaesthesia with sedation to ensure the patient is relaxed throughout the process.
It is performed in outpatients.
Results of perineoplasty surgery
The size and shape of the perineum is recovered after surgery. Its tone and full functionality are recovered.
Postoperative recommendations for perineoplasty surgery
Recovery is normally fast and causes little discomfort, although the patient must not carry heavy weights or do strenuous exercise during the recovery period. Sexual intercourse can be resumed after around one month.
Pelvic rest for two months is recommended, which means using neither tampons or vibrators.
You can shower again immediately afterwards, following your surgeon’s advice. Make sure the area does not remain damp. Use cold air (never hot) from a hair dryer to eliminate any remains of dampness in the area.
You can resume your normal sex life 4 to 6 weeks after your perineoplasty surgery, depending on your progress. Always follow your surgeon’s advice.
Removal of the stitches is not necessary, as they are dissolvable. However, avoid any activities that create strain or sudden movements when bending down to avoid putting strain on them.
If you smoke, you should try to stop before your surgery. This will improve your health and your healing capacity.
Will I lose sensitivity after perineoplasty surgery?
No. However, after surgery your sensitivity might change for the first few days until the swelling has gone down.
When can I resume my sex life after the perineum operation?
This will depend on the scope of the surgery and on your later recovery. Normally, sexual intercourse can be resumed 4 to 6 weeks after surgery.
When can I start doing sports again after a perineoplasty?
You must follow your surgeon’s instructions on this matter. However, you can normally start doing physical exercise after a few weeks, provided it does not involve impact sports or anything affecting the perineal area (cycling, horse-riding, spinning, etc.). This case you should wait at least one month.
Do you know what IM Care is?
IM Care is the commitment of IM CLINIC to care for you for the first year after your surgery. You will have a 24-hour hotline for your peace of mind, and our medical team will visit you regularly to ensure the results are as expected.
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