A facelift can rejuvenate your face via a procedure aimed at lifting and tightening your facial and cervical skin, along with your facial muscles. It also reduces fat while removing excess tissue so as to reduce any folds and wrinkles in your face. Usually a facelift treats your neck, chin, cheeks and also the periocular and temporal regions. However, at IM CLINIC we treat your face as a whole, and focus on combining naturalness, beauty and harmony.

Finding out about real Before and After facelift cases is vital when deciding whether to have this surgery. These images show you some Before facelift cases that are similar to yours. They give you an idea of how your surgery results will appear afterwards.

At IM CLINIC, first we listen to your expectations on what result you truly expect from your surgery. We will then carry out a preliminary study so that we can advise you, evaluating with you what your various facelift surgery options are.