• Surgery Time
  • Clinic Admission
    One night
  • Results
    After 15 days
  • Anesthesia
  • Recovery
    10 days
  • Doctor's Advice
    Nasal plugs


  • Scars

    They are very small and imperceptible if on the outside of the nose. Not visible if on the inside.

  • Technique

    Traditional or ultrasonic rhinoplasty, depending on each patient's needs.

  • Pain

    Some discomfort and bruising may appear, but these will disappear within a few days after surgery.

  • Postoperative

    The recovery is quick. In the first few hours, nasal plugs may be used.

  • Results

    The first changes are noticeable after 15 days, but small improvements will continue over the first year.

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    What does rhinoplasty consist of?

    Rhinoplasty involves modifying the bone and cartilage structures of the nose to improve its appearance and achieve greater facial harmony. In this surgical procedure, the bone is sculpted into the desired shape and can last approximately 1 to 2 hours. The techniques and technology vary according to the patient’s needs.

    Conventional rhinoplasty consists of separating the skin from the bone and cartilage framework to then sculpt the shape. Afterward, the skin is repositioned over the nasal framework. At IM CLINIC, we also perform ultrasonic rhinoplasty. The choice of technique depends on the case. Once the surgery is performed, nasal plugs are inserted to prevent bleeding, and a plaster cast is applied to maintain the new shape of the nose.

    Candidates for nose surgery

    Aesthetic nose surgery is intended for adults seeking to improve their physical appearance and self-confidence. It is also recommended for patients with breathing difficulties, deviated septum, or those who have suffered nasal trauma. Rhinoplasty is not only performed for aesthetic purposes but also to improve quality of life and health.

    If any of these situations apply to you, rhinoplasty can help modify the size, shape, and proportions of your nose, as well as solve specific health problems. In women, the goal is often to achieve a slightly elevated nose tip to soften facial features, while in men, a straighter tip that reflects masculinity is typically desired.

    How is the post-operative recovery after rhinoplasty?

    The patient’s recovery is relatively quick. However, it is important to note that, depending on the person and the type of surgery, some bruising may appear, although it will disappear within a few days. After the surgery, nasal plugs are inserted. These will be removed in the consultation.

    In the days following the nasal plastic surgery, it is recommended to rinse the nostrils with saline or a specific product. Additionally, it is essential to rest for a few days since there may be some discomfort and pain in the immediate post-surgery period. Always follow the advice of your plastic surgeon.

    When will the nasal plugs be removed after rhinoplasty?

    The plugs will be removed in the consultation. It is recommended to rinse the nostrils with saline or a specific product. Always follow the advice of your plastic surgeon.

    Can I blow my nose after rhinoplasty?

    Plastic surgeons advise against blowing your nose for about a week after nose surgery. Blowing the nose can negatively impact the healing process and, in the worst case, may reopen the small incisions made during the surgery.

    Will there be scars after rhinoplasty treatment?

    Scars from rhinoplasty are imperceptible, whether they are on the inside or outside of the nose. The patient will see the first results after 15 days and will notice small changes over the course of the first year.

    What are the results of nose surgery?

    In addition to enhancing the face, nose surgery also helps rejuvenate it, as the nose continues to grow throughout life. A small, proportionate nose softens the features.

    What age can someone get rhinoplasty?

    Anyone who wants to correct or change the shape of their nose, whether for functional or aesthetic reasons, can undergo rhinoplasty. However, even though nose surgery is one of the most common operations, its practice is limited in adolescents, as they have not completed their growth phase. It is important to undergo this aesthetic treatment when the face has fully developed, i.e., at least 18 years of age.



    The cost of this surgery can vary depending on the case, complexity, and expectations.
    It is necessary to evaluate the case for an exact quote. Request your first appointment and let a specialized surgeon advise you.


    Best plastic surgeon, Dr Ivan Mañero
