At IM CLINIC, we are proud to have high-level professionals in each area of ​​specialization.
We invite you to meet our medical team.

  • dr-manero-foto

    The soul of IM CLINIC. One of the most renowned cosmetic surgeons worldwide. With extensive experience and trained in some of the best international hospitals, he has become a reference in plastic, general and gender surgery.

    Dr. Ivan Mañero
    Plastic Cosmetic and Restorative Surgery

  • dr-gomez

    His extensive experience of over 17 years and his many different achievements make him one of the most prestigious and experienced physicians in the sector.

    Dr. Ray Gómez
    IM CLINIC Barcelona Medical Director

  • dr-bonastre

    With a SUMMA CUM LAUDE PhD, he keeps trainning rising stars in plastic, cosmetic and restorative surgery. He is meticulous and professional, offering the best results for his patients.

    Dr. Jorge Bonastre
    IM CLINIC Madrid Medical Director

  • dr-rosell

    Highly qualified in the field of reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, provides a detailed viewpoint for each case. His innovative techniques make him a key member of the IM CLINIC medical team.

    Dr. Sebastián Rosell
    Plastic Cosmetic and Restorative Surgery

  • dra-andres

    Dr Andrés achieves natural results in every breast, facial and body procedures. With experience in prestigious national hospitals and clinics, she actively participates in conferences and publishes scientific studies.

    Dr. Aranzazu Andrés
    Plastic Cosmetic and Restorative Surgery

  • dra-labanca

    Genital affirmation procedures and gynecological area, hormonal body modification treatments for trans people and in clinical sexology. Dr Labanca has published several scientific studies together with Dr. Ivan Mañero.

    Dr. Trinidad Labanca
    Gynecological area and gender procedures

  • dra-brandalisio

    Dr Brandalisio pays great attention to detail in Body Contour, feminization and masculinization. This and much more makes her a key member of the IM CLINIC medical team.

    Dr. Magalí Brandalisio
    Body Contour

  • dra-ceron

    Trained in Spain and internationally as a surgeon and aescetic medicine. Dr Cerón provides high quality care, safeness, humane and personal treatment to each patient at IM CLINIC Madrid.

    Dr. Fatima Cerón
    Plastic Cosmetic and Restorative Surgery

  • dr-germesOK

    Dr. Germes provides professionalism, vision of detail and empathy with each patient in both IM CLINIC and IM GENDER, achieving naturalness and harmony in a personalised way in his results.

    Dr. Álvaro Germes
    Plastic Cosmetic and Restorative Surgery

  • dra-verdaguer-2

    Dr. Verdaguer is characterised by the meticulousness of her work and the results she offers, as well as her close attention and follow-up with her patients.

    Dr. Eva Verdaguer
    Plastic Cosmetic and Restorative Surgery

  • dra-yankina

    With more than a decade of experience, Dr. Yankina offers each patient the most innovative treatments and technology for skin care, prevention and treatment of the signs of aging.

    Dr. Iryna Yankina
    Aesthetic Medicine

  • dra-campos-imclinic

    IM CLINIC's Pro-aging Woman Unit Director. President of SEGERF.

    Dr. Raquel Campos
    Gynecology, Obstetrics and Sexology area

  • dr-higuera

    Dr Higuera has more than 20 years of experience in prestigious hospitals. Offers a comprehensive aesthetic medicine service, seeking for the personalization of each treatment.

    Dr. Julián Higuera
    Aesthetic Medicine

  • dr-cobos-2

    Dr Cobos is essential for the medical team of IM CLINIC. He is highly valued for the patient care and the personalisation in every treatment, allowing him to reach for natural results and maximize beauty in a global way.

    Dr. Alberto Cobos
    Aesthetic Medicine

  • dra-cordobes

    Dr. Cordobés offers personalized treatments to enhance the beauty in every face. She highlights the importance of Well Aging and aligning with the passing of time without fighting against it.

    Dr. María Cordobés
    Aesthetic Medicine

  • dr-alvarezOK

    Dr. Álvarez offers personalized aesthetic medicine procedures, aiming for naturalness, harmony, and well-aging in the results.

    Dr. Alfonso Álvarez
    Aesthetic Medicine