Who is a good candidate for vaginal tightening?
Vaginal tightening surgery is recommended for women who, as a result of excessive dilation of their vagina, have problems enjoying sexual intercourse. This is often distressful, affecting the woman’s quality of life.
What does vaginal tightening surgery involve?
Vaginal tightening surgery is always associated with perineoplasty surgery, as vaginal dilation does not occur if the perineal muscle is contact.
Once the perineal muscles around the outermost third of the vagina, which are responsible for providing strength and tightness to the vaginal walls, have been closed the excess vaginal mucous membrane is removed in two lengthways strips, one at the front and one at the rear. This improves muscle tone, elasticity and control, while removing excess vaginal mucous membrane.
The incision can be made using a laser, which is when this is known as laser vaginal tightening surgery. However, in the Female Genital Surgery Unit, the use of a cold incision or cold scalpel incision is recommended, which is much more careful with the tissues.
Duration, anaesthesia and hospitalisation for vaginal tightening surgery
Vaginal tightening is normally a relative short surgery that takes around one to two hours. Vaginal tightening surgery is performed under general anaesthesia and the patient should stay overnight at IM CLINIC.
The results of vaginal tightening surgery
This surgery recovers vaginal muscle tone, leading to improved vaginal control for the patient. This reduces the internal and external diameter and helps strengthen the entire perineal area.
In cases of patients who report urinary incontinence as well as excessive vaginal dilation, this can be solved during surgery by reinforcing the vaginal roof.
Recommendations after vaginal tightening surgery
Postoperative care is relatively simple. The stitches from this surgery do not have to be removed, as they fall out by themselves during the 15 days after surgery. You should wait for around four weeks before resuming sexual intercourse, although you should always follow your surgeon’s advice.
Pelvic rest for two months is recommended, which means using neither tampons or vibrators.
You can shower again immediately afterwards, following your surgeon’s advice. Make sure the area does not remain damp. Use cold air (never hot) from a hair dryer to eliminate any remains of dampness in the area.
You can resume your normal sex life 4 to 6 weeks after your vaginal tightening surgery, depending on your progress. Always follow your surgeon’s advice.
Removal of the stitches is not necessary, as they are dissolvable. However, avoid any activities that create strain or sudden movements when bending down to avoid putting strain on them.
If you smoke, you should try to stop before your surgery. This will improve your health and your healing capacity.
What discomfort will I experience after vaginal tightening surgery?
You might experience some discomfort for the first few hours, but these are easily controlled with the medication prescribed by the medical team. You might also experience some incontinence for the first few days after surgery.
When can I resume sexual intercourse?
You should wait for around one month after treatment before resuming sexual intercourse, depending on your specific case, but must always follow your surgeon’s instructions.
Can I lose sensitivity with vaginal tightening surgery?
Vaginal tightening surgery does not decrease the sensitivity of the genital area. In fact, just the opposite: this surgery notably improves vaginal sensitivity, thus improving sexual intercourse.
Can I do physical exercise after vaginal tightening surgery?
You should wait for at least one month before resuming physical exercise, although this will depend on each case. Always follow your doctor’s advice.
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